販売価格: 880円(税込)
厚さ: 39mm
大切なモデルのベース底しっかり磁力化して固定! 厚さ0.9mmのA4判マグネットシートを長方形25mm×50mmに型抜きしました。裏面にはシール状の粘着剤が既に塗布されているので保護シートを剥がしてお手持ちのゲーム用ユニット(駒)のベース裏に貼るだけで簡単に磁気化できます。これでプレイ中の不用意な移動が転倒が避ける事ができます。なおゲームボードは事前に別売りスチール板を貼る等の磁石が付く為の下準備をお願いします。ゲーム用ボード以外に展示する模型のベースにこのマグネットシートを貼って転倒防止対策やオリジナルのマグネットピンなどのスチール掲示板用アクセサリーボタンが製作できます。シートサイズ:厚さ0.9mm A4サイズ
Magnetic Sheet - SELF ADHESIVE
Self-adhesive flexible magnetic sheets provide a quick and simple way of magnetizing your wargames units without the necessity of drilling bases and gluing magnets. Square, rectangular, round, and oval most common shapes are available in a variety of sizes, but also as complete sheets to be cut to convenience with a pair of scissors or a craft knife.
Use them alone, together with our rubber steel sheets, or together with our Neodymium Magnets depending on the attraction strength needed. Using magnetically-based figures allows you to field large units on the tabletop on their movement trays as one item. This removes the time spent moving figures one-by-one across the table. Even if the trays are knocked or tipped, you have a good chance of your figures staying attached and undamaged. Applying is very easy. Simply take the protective paper off the underside of the magnetic foil and stick it to the bottom of the bases.
The thickness of the stickers is 0,9mm.
Magnetic Sheet - SELF ADHESIVE
Self-adhesive flexible magnetic sheets provide a quick and simple way of magnetizing your wargames units without the necessity of drilling bases and gluing magnets. Square, rectangular, round, and oval most common shapes are available in a variety of sizes, but also as complete sheets to be cut to convenience with a pair of scissors or a craft knife.
Use them alone, together with our rubber steel sheets, or together with our Neodymium Magnets depending on the attraction strength needed. Using magnetically-based figures allows you to field large units on the tabletop on their movement trays as one item. This removes the time spent moving figures one-by-one across the table. Even if the trays are knocked or tipped, you have a good chance of your figures staying attached and undamaged. Applying is very easy. Simply take the protective paper off the underside of the magnetic foil and stick it to the bottom of the bases.
The thickness of the stickers is 0,9mm.