Panzerwrecks[PW-026]パンツァーレックス No.26(Bulge 2)

Panzerwrecks[PW-026]パンツァーレックス No.26(Bulge 2)

販売価格: 5,940(税込)

厚さ: 30mm


Who left a Sturmgeschütz in a vegetable patch? What were Belgian Police doing with a Wirbelwind? Who painted a heart on their Sd.Kfz.251/3 command vehicle? What happened to Kampfgruppe Maucke at Hemroulle? Which unit left their Jagdpanzer at a customs building?

The answers to these and other questions are found in Panzerwrecks 26, which includes 174 rare and unpublished large-format photographs from around the world, six pages of specially commissioned artwork by Felipe Rodna, and Google Maps QR codes.

Book Data
Author: Lee Archer and Timm Haasler
Artist: Felipe Rodna
Language: English (UK)
ISBN: 9781908032270
Pages: 128
Photos: 174
Artworks: 6
QR-codes: Yes
Physical: Softcover, 280x210mm, landscape

Steel Wheels at Stoumont Station
Sturmgeschütz in Disguise
Jagdpanthers in the Mud
Stavelot Panther ‘115’
Tiger at the Station
Trois Ponts Tiger


